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2023-09-14 英语词典


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网络释义:跳板;跳板步桥窗楣;海洋之灾复数:gangplanks  同义词




1.(上下船用的)跳板,步桥a board placed between the side of a boat and land so people can get on and off


n.1.<AmE>Same as gangboard2.a long narrow board that you put between a boat and the land, or between two boats, so that you can walk across

1.跳板 galley 厨房 gangplank 跳板 gangway 通道,跳板 ...

2.跳板步桥窗楣 gangmanrope 舷梯扶索 gangplank 跳板步桥窗楣 gangrene 坏疽 ...

3.海洋之灾 ... lurch 突然倾斜;蹒跚,摇晃 gangplank 上下船的跳板 hitch 急拉,急推,猛地一动 ...

6.船长 ... 石像鬼 Galio 船长 Gangplank 酒桶 Gragas ...

7.踏板 ... go crazy for: 为...而疯狂 gangplank: 跳板,踏板 wonder: 想知道 ...


1.after invading the philippines , the spanish colonialists used it as a gangplank in an attempt to further conquer china.西班牙殖民者侵入菲律宾之后,将菲律宾作为侵略中国的基地,企图进一步征服中国。

2.When I got to the pier Mona was not to be seen. I waited for the last passenger to descend the gangplank, but no Mona.我赶到码头上却不见莫娜,等到最后一名乘客从跳板上下来仍没有莫娜。

3.She wept when he ran down the gangplank; sobbed as he stood on the dock, waving.他急步走下跳板,她哭个不停。他站在码头上挥手,她还在呜咽。

4.August 2006, Rome -- In a crowded fishing port, a uniformed inspector climbs the gangplank of a rust-speckled ship moored at dock.2006年8月28日,罗马--在一个繁忙的港口,身着制服的检查员登上停泊在码头的锈迹斑斑的船。

5.Ninety minutes later, and eight hours after arriving at the harbour, I finally climbed the slippery, wooden gangplank of the MV Rus.90分钟后,我终于登上了罗斯号湿滑的木头舷梯,这时离开我到达码头的时间已经足足有8个小时了。

6.Dad met us at the gangplank and guided us through the swarms of hawkers and children begging for coins with outstretched hands.爸爸在跳板上遇到我们,并带我们穿过那群叫卖的小贩和伸手讨钱的儿童乞丐。

7.The youth and the sailor dropped the gangplank , and the rats came aboard and unloaded the cheese rinds in a flash .年轻人和老水手放下跳板,老鼠上了船,转眼间就把干酪皮全卸光了。

8.The passengers stepped down gingerly from the narrow gangplank .乘客们战战兢兢地从狭窄的跳板上走下船来。

9.He hurries down the gangplank to hug his waiting wife .他匆匆忙忙走下跳板,张开双臂去拥抱等候着他的妻子。

10.Nothing but a gangplank to cross就是一个跳板的距离
